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I hope you’ll consider signing up for updates! Thanks for taking the time to read the blog and for the many comments that you all have left. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to write about.

I appreciate all of the support. I’ve now had almost 10,000 reads on this site, so if you’ve already read an blog post, thanks for contributing to that! This has been such a therapeutic journey for me, and I hope that some of my posts are relevant to you in some way. Subscribing is an easy way to get updated when I post a new blog.

Kailyn’s Dad

PS I have to link to an external site, so here’s a link to my work website: The B2Group.

If you’d like to connect with me or have a topic you’d like to hear about, shoot me a message or connect with me @KailynsDadBlog on Facebook or Instagram.

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