15,706 Days

Birthday’s are just another day in the year. But for me, I’ve always enjoyed the day because it’s a significant reminder of another year passed, and a TON of memories created.


Top 10 Posts

KailynsDad.com has 14 posts now, and here are the Top 10 posts in order by the most read by all of you. Thanks for your continued support!



Traditions are something I cherish and embrace. I’ve been a fan of them in my social life and have put a lot of focus on them as a parent. The value of tradition is less about the physical act, and more about them sentimental one. These traditions take time, careful thought, and lots of planning but are so worth it to me AND have a huge impact on Kailyn.


Happy Birthday Kailyn!

Every year Kailyn gets older, and every year I talk about how THIS year was the best year, and this year is no exception. Here’s a little not that I hope she’ll read someday about what it’s like to be her daddy.
