
Not enough time. Too much time. Can I just make time stop? My life has been full of trying to manage time, but I can’t no matter how much I want to. Here’s a few stories about life, Kailyn and friendships that pertain to “managing time”. I enjoyed writing this one, I hope you enjoy reading!!!


If Life Were Easy

Ever asked yourself, “Why is life so hard?” Or, “If life were easy, then . . .” I think you’d be in good company if you’ve asked yourself one of those two questions. Unfortunately life is hard. Sometimes it fees like it’s harder on you than on others, and while that’s not necessarily incorrect, a lot of times it just takes a little perspective to feel better. Here’s my thoughts on “If Life Were Easy”.


Empathy: Two Sides

As I get ready for bed, I’m so excited to see my little girl tomorrow, that I can hardly get to sleep (hence why I’m up this late). At the same time, I can’t stop thinking about how sad my ex must be at the same time. I’m not sure why that though is even entering my mind, but I can’t help but feel empathy for how she must be feeling as she tucks Kailyn into bed tonight.


Top 10 Posts

KailynsDad.com has 14 posts now, and here are the Top 10 posts in order by the most read by all of you. Thanks for your continued support!



Everyone knows that divorce can rip families apart. I wanted to talk about how I dealt with feeling broken and picked up the pieces to reinvent myself. I’ve still got a long way to go, but I’m definitely more whole than I was a few years ago. Here’s my story . . .


10 Things I Tell Kailyn

Throughout my parenting career, Kailyn and I have had several talks about life, love and happiness. Here are 10 Things I Tell Kailyn that will hopefully serve as “thought-starters”. This isn’t a list of “THINGS YOU SHOULD TELL YOUR KIDS”, because I think those lists I’ve found online take on the “one shoe fits all” mindset. Every family is different as is every child and relationship. Here are some things I say to my K that I’d like to share with you.


The “Funk”

Sometimes life feels like it’s going your way & sometimes it feels like it’s not. But there are times when it’s going your way & you still feel in a “funk”. The following blog outlines some of my darkest days and some of my happiest ones too. I’ve come to appreciate both . . . although I’d prefer the happy ones. 🙂


Life Isn’t Perfect

Life isn’t perfect no matter what image you portray on social media. Preparing Kailyn for a life of imperfection is my main objective. I can’t create a perfect life for her in a world where that doesn’t exist. What I can do is give her the tools to deal with whatever life throws her.


So, What Now?

The divorce or split takes so much emotional energy. Once it’s over, you’re left with questions, unchecked emotions, and sometimes a child/children. Once the dust settles, it hits you . . . So, What Now?


Favorite Quotes (Part 1)

Over the 4th of July weekend I put together a quick collection of 10 of my favorite quotes (spoiler alert, I have a TON more). These are some quotes that have resonated with me throughout my life and I’m happy to be sharing them with you. I hope you enjoy!
